Facilitator/Founder/Trainer of Spiraldance Breathwork, has been a professional Breathwork practitioner and a leader of Breathwork since 2005—guiding more than 2,000 Individual Breathwork Sessions and leading over 400 Group Breathwork Sessions in a variety of locations.
A certified professional Breathwork Practitioner & Trainer and recognized Accredited Training School for Professional Breathwork Practitioners by the Global Professional Breathwork Alliance (GPBA), Tania is a also Reiki Level II practitioner, graduate of the Earth Circle School for Spiritual Ministry, and a Sacred Ceremony Guide.
She is a long-time student of the breath and has had the benefit of working with many skilled Breathwork practitioners throughout the U.S.. A devoted student of the self and a compassionate and present teacher and soulful guide, Breathwork Sessions with Tania are offered through Individual Breathwork Sessions, Breathwork Workshops and Classes and Breathwork Retreats.